Three ways to manage your money …

Poor people usually get poorer and poorer, while rich people usually get richer and richer.

This is basically a true knowledge that will not change, because the poor habitually work to obtain the needs of daily life, this type of money, earnings and labor efficiency is proportional, so the poor to complete financial freedom is a conjecture, if there is a family misfortune, such as: the elderly disabled elderly. If the family’s economic development backbone produces safety accidents, it is basically like a catastrophe for a family; while the rich suffer from the hazards of good family relations mindset, they have long been earning money from a different point of view than the poor, they habitually use money to make money, using the capital they have to get the appreciation of wealth.


Therefore, the rich earn money extremely very easy, the poor earn money suffering only enough to keep the family life.

If you are a poor person, the following article is extremely important to you because it will help you to change your way of making money from “poor people’s logical thinking” to “rich people’s logical thinking”; if you are a rich person, the following information is also of practical significance to you, so be sure to read it with patience.

The poor people’s method of becoming rich is to save money, and they think that the method of saving money and gradually accumulating capital is the most reliable, but the reality is that saving money does not help to get rid of the lowest natural environment, except for reducing their own quality of life.


To get out of the predicament requires a change in mindset, there is a saying that the more you can pay out of money will become more quite. The “money” in them is not a meaningless crazy spending, but just a way to make money and get living expenses like the rich.

Some readers may guess that there is no mistaking that this form of money-generating money that Maizi highly recommends is money management.

When it comes to money management, many people are often hesitant because they have no knowledge of money management, and they are extremely tired of the risky nature of it, wandering for a long time in front of the door of money management, but they are afraid to step in at all. In fact, wheat is not that difficult to manage money, just follow a few basic fundamentals, and grasp some basic financial knowledge, financial management is relatively easy.

You don’t have to use your hard-earned money or bank credit card to buy financial products.


Many beginners make a big mistake of throwing their money away, they identify a financial product will be all the value pressed in, at the moment they do not listen to the admonition of others, by others promised huge profits confused rationality, the result is likely to be a lot of debt or a huge amount of personal credit debt can not be repaid.

Financial most avoid all raw eggs into one basket, in the venture capital circle this is called diversification of non-systematic risk, technical professional venture capital institutions still follow this core concept, and what reason do we not follow it?

2. Do not follow the trend of project investment

Buy financial products must not have to blindly follow the project investment, especially in the flurry of passers-by blindly follow the trend. Their purpose is not pure, and their purpose is likely to be to cheat and lead the incomparable assets in our hands. The best way to manage money is to have a certain amount of financial knowledge, there should be their own discernment, blindly follow the trend or blindly follow the conclusion is the reputation.

First learn to train financial knowledge, shape their own financial logic thinking, enhance their own financial awareness, which is the right way to manage money.

3. financial orientation is highly recommended

Novice financial management is best not to pick individual stocks. The risky commodities such as futures trading and even derivatives are very high, and Mak recommends that you buy some national bonds. The risk is relatively low for the surplus management stock fund and other financial products.

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